Night Photography Workshops

Night Photography Workshops
Learn how to capture the atmosphere on these Night Photography Workshops
So just what might you learn on one of these Night Photography Workshops with Philip Dunn?
Should you use a tripod for night photography? What ISO settiongs should you use? Which lens is best? Well, you will join a small group of just six keen photographers. You will learn many of the professional tricks and techniques that lead to great atmospheric night time shots.
Participants must have a basic understanding of their camera settings, so these workshops are not suitable for complete beginners.
Of course, only so much knowledge can be imparted in one evening. But the basics of good sound photographic technique can be laid down. It takes a particular way of understanding how your camera will capture what your eyes are seeing. This is especially so with the challenging conditions and difficult lighting of night photography.
The photographer's eye - and the camera
What the photographer’s eye sees is not always what the camera will capture. It needs practise and understanding to enable the eye and the camera to work as one.
On these Night Photography Workshops you will certainly have the opportunity to capture some beautiful night photographs.
Shrewsbury is a fascinating and visually rewarding place to seek pictures at night. It is also a very friendly and safe town in which to work. So on these Night Photography Workshops you can relax and enjoy your photography to the full.
Much of the time you will use your tripod, but there are always opportunities to capture real life Street Photography at night in the streets of Shrewsbury.
The picture on the right was captured on a Fuji X-Pro2 using a high ISO of 6400, a shutter speed of 1/50th sec, and an aperture of f/4. Photograph by Philip Dunn

Working at night needs an entirely new approach to your photography

Working at night needs a whole new approach to your photography. Even the simple task of finding your way around your camera and tripod takes on a whole new meaning if you are not used to working in poor light.
Visually, the world in front of you is also different – and your camera will see it in a very different way.
This can be good and can lead to some very pleasant surprises.
Left: three of my students, Steve, Cath and Gordon hard at work in the night streets of Shrewsbury

Above: six photographers hard at work learning the techniques of night photography in the streets of Shrewsbury
Long Exposures and the flowing River Severn