Lockdown snaps

Simple Lockdown Snaps

In my last post I talked about getting out with your camera during lockdown to photograph landscapes – but let’s not get pompous and sniffy about cameras – what about simple lockdown snaps taken on a mobile phone?

oak tree lockdown snaps
A simple snap taken on my mobile phone. It’s a scene I see almost every day, but it gave me pleasure composing and framing the picture, and this in turn added to the pleasure of my lockdown exercise. Photograph by Philip Dunn



Mobile phone lockdown snaps

No matter whether you live in the town or the countryside, you still have to get out for your regular exercise. Most of us now carry a phone everyhere we go, and most of those phones do a pretty good job when it comes to recording images. In fact there are lots of smart phones these days that take superb quality high resolution images.

You will notice that I do not say that these phones capture pictures – the visual side of things is up to you.

So the fact is that you have a useful little camera with you most of the time anyway – so why not take advantage and use it. You will discover a whole new sense of freedom.

As much as I love using a real camera, I have no reservations at all about using my phone to capture certain subjects and at certain times. This morning, for instance, the sun shone and frost lay on the lawn and on the fields. I did not feel like toting a heavy camera, so I simply slipped my phone in my coat pocket and walked up the garden and across the fields.

Macro lockdown snaps

Have you ever noticed just how good your phone’s camera is at taking close-ups? If not you should try it. I was astonished at the fine detail quality that was evident when I moved right in to macro distances. One huge advantage in using the macro capabilities of your mobile phone is that when you move in very close it doesn’t matter at all where you are – town or country, indoors or out. Everything from an acorn to a rusting padlock can be your subject matter. The possibilities are endless.

frosted leaf with phone camera
I was amazed at the detail and quality of this simple close-up captured on my mobile phone. Photograph Philip Dunn


So my short exercise walk this morning gave me pleasure in several ways – not least because I came home with a couple of pictures that I had spent a little time framing and composing.

Find out about online Online Photography tuition with Philip Dunn

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