I’ve finally taken the big step – traded in my old DSLR Nikons and bought a new camera. Well, it’s an almost new Fuji X-Pro 2.
The Nikons were getting less and less use, and my super little Fuji X-Pro 1 had become my camera of choice. I was one of the first photographers to buy into this Fuji system when the X-Pro 1 was launched a few years ago. It suited me perfectly.
Having carried a heavy bag full of camera gear for most of my working life, this high quality little mirrorless camera was a liberation. Its hybrid optical viewfinder was a superb innovation, enabling me to view and capture pictures of the real world without the intrusion of a digital screen.
Fitting the X Pro-1 with a Fujinon 18-55mm zoom lens made a great combination.
Now I have bought a Fuji X-Pro 2. I’ll use the 18-55mm zoom and keep the old X-Pro 1 body as a spare.

I’ve just been out to take a few pictures with my new camera and I’m already impressed. It will take a little getting used to the repositioning of some of the controls and functions, but that’s just a matter of practice. The final results seem to live up to my expectations.
I can highly recommend to anyone thinking of exchanging or buying high quality camera equipment that they speak to Paul Waller at Commercial Cameras in Church Stretton, Shropshire. Paul has been in the business for 45 years. He knows his stuff and he’s straight.
Paul deals mainly with quality film cameras, but he often has mint condition digital cameras available – my Fuji X-Pro 2 was one of them; an immaculate, hardly used piece of kit at a fraction of the price of new.
Paul’s shop in Church Stretton is not open to the general public – just give him a ring on 01694 72202 or 07969 787784 or email him sales-at-commercialcameras.co.uk
His website is well worth looking at www.commercialcameras.co.uk